What Could It Be? - by Jennifer- Lauren

What Could It Be?

Could it be, is it possible that the plans you have that you hold so dear to your heart are in the way of God’s Plan? Is it actually possible to block LOVE with fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) and our need for control?

Have you ever found yourself getting in your own way and moving towards acts of self- sabotage? Which path do we pursue then? Have you ever deviated from your ideal and authentic path? Ask yourself now- reflect a moment and think was it because we fixated much too much on certain goals that weren’t meant to be part of our Divine Destiny? Are you aware of your Assignment?

Now step back for a moment and consider the role of your ego. (Edging God Out)- what role does it play? What havoc has it already wreaked on your life?

You would be surprised if you did a deep analysis and study and observed how your ego has impacted all aspects of your life. For more information, pick up a book about the ego or any of Wayne Dyer’s works such as “There’s A Spiritual Solution For Every Problem.” I highly recommend this book. It was actually gifted to me by a colleague when I worked on the Fox Studios Lot.

The entire book has morsels of wisdom, nuggets of insight, and universal truths that can enhance your quality of life in every way. I am due for a re-read soon. My connection to God and the Universe is stronger when I am in the zone- attuned to the words that flow through my spirit-

For you now you may want to know how to heighten your connection- especially in these times of social and physical distancing…To draw near, read, write, meditate, pray, study, and spend time amidst the trees, flowers, the sea, etc., and observe the animals and patterns of nature…a new dawn shall come and arise refreshing your soul as it cleanses you from the inside out. Let it be. Let it happen as it will…

While seeking, it is best to be mindful and consciously- intentionally “manifest the best and highest good for all involved.” Can you hear the subtleties of your Calling in your heart? Days such as these that we are now living in (or existing in)- from surviving to thriving is my aim for you as we embark on this journey together- a journey to wholeness, self- love, enlightenment, healing, self- actualization, hope, joy, and a rebirth of your humanly divine spirit…

My wish for you is to cling ever tightly to hope- and if you have a mess to deal with and clean up- remember that your MESSAGE is within your mess…Dig a little, sort through the debris, do some recycling, polishing, and it shall emerge in its own time…

Although, hope is not a plan and it is not a strategy. Hope can aid us in our efforts at restoration and faith-building. Do you ever have a hard time going with the flow? I know. I have. I remember when I wanted to be married. It was a persistent desire for years. To no end, but I know I have leaps and bounds to go and grow in the self- love department.

There’s still baggage and healing that remains to be done. However; I am proactive about my Healing Journey and that journey has taken me around the world and around these great United States. Will I marry ever? Well, that’s in God’s Hands. I can’t make or force a man to love me and accept me without judgments of me- and frankly, I am tired of trying.

I am much more engaged in fulfilling my life’s mission, vision, and purpose. To answer the Calling…Finding the tools to equip you to live into your destiny, hear and heed your calling, and summon the courage to do so while “going all in”. Solitude looks good on me kind of like a little black dress. I hope to be your Guide as you enjoy greater growth, but first I must ask you to be patient. Be patient with me, be patient with yourself- your growth. Your timing and the timing of the Divine is out of your hands. Herein lies the beauty of surrender. Prayer helps, give, allow the One who LOVES you to comfort you and to help you. As I LOVE you and I pray the best for you as I intentionally send you light, love, and healing from the top of your head to the tips of your toes….

Best Blessings,

Your Life Guidance Angel

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